Monday, February 6, 2012

4 year check up (dottie)

4 year check up

at 4 years old, Dottie is:

38 lbs (75th%)
42 1/4" tall (90th%)

So far so good on her vision. Fingers crossed that she will take after Chuck in this area...

As you can see from the picture, Esther is still a little intimidated by the doctor's office. By the end of the visit, Dottie had her convinced that it was pretty cool!

1 comment:

zack & penny said...

love this pic. look at both of them! too cute. dottie has grown so much - I really hope to visit this summer and see the kiddos! ps: zack is super jealous. he has been hovering around 30 lbs but keeps dipping back into the 20s. i can't get him to eat!?