Wednesday, August 11, 2010

kiki, "gampa", and aunt marsha come for a visit!

a few weeks ago, we were lucky enough to have kiki & gampa (my parents) and aunt marsha (my dad's sister) came for a visit! we had such a ball that dottie is still talking about it. for the first part of their trip, dottie and i headed up to mendocino with them. i can't say that riding in the back seat with a carseat/toddler and another adult for 3 1/2 hours on winding roads was the most pleasant experience but it was definitely worth the drive. seriously gorgeous. chuck and i had been several years ago before dottie so it was nice to visit again. unfortunately the weather was a bit grey and chilly the whole time they were here but we made the best of it! many books were read, hide and go seek was played, we went on walks, they visited museums, dinners, chalk drawings with kiki, candy shops were visited, ....... the last full day they were here, i had to work at the renegade craft fair all day and chuck went golfing with my dad so dottie had some serious kiki and aunt marsha time and she loved it! she is already looking forward to their next visit which is looking to be sooner than later seeing that the due date for baby girl #2 is quickly approaching. Only 48 days left!!!

to view more photos, click HERE



a visit to miette

at the boulangerie

at the boulangerie

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