some fun things about dottie at 2 years and 4 months...
she loves "ice ceam" more than anything else! her very favorite flavor is mint chip. she has an ice cream toy that has 4 scoop flavors to play with on cones. if you ask her for a cone, she will happily give you a triple scoop but it will almost never include the mint chip scoop. she covets it!
she is talking like crazy right now. she strung a record 11 words together today which i was shocked by. she said, "we go across the street and i will hold your hand". typically her longest sentences are usually about 7-8 words long which we are still excited by.
the "pirate song" (over the deep blue sea) from school is as good as it gets. she sings it in her crib when she wakes up in the morning and wants to sing it all day long. we have tried to get it on video but she gets stage fright when we prompt her to sing it.
the other day when we were getting her dressed, she declared "i'm naked!". after we put her diaper on she declared, "i'm mostly naked!". silly girl!
"mino" (milo) is still one of her favorites. she chases him around trying to give him hugs and kisses but has a tough time sharing with him and says, "no mino" whenever she has something that she thinks he wants.
she still loves reading more than pretty much anything. she tries to con her way into at least 5 books before nap and bedtime. after the 2nd book she says, "after this one, i go to bed" then promptly gets very upset after that book is done. favorite books are still anything curious george, madeline, dr. suess, maisy,...
she is FINALLY napping on the big kids cot during naptime at school. up until recently, she had been in a pack and play in a separate room because she was so chatty when they were trying to put everyone down for a nap.
chuck's tickling techniques will no longer work on her. he usually con's her into being tickled by pointing at the ceiling or something else and laughs hysterically when he gets her. she has just figured out that she doesn't have to fall for it anymore though sometimes she plays along just for the giggle i think.
she has pretty tiny feet. i remember hearing that kids go through shoes like crazy at this age. i have a whole adorable line up of shoes ready for the next size she grows into and they have been waiting for about 4 months. she is wearing a size 5/6 and has been since at least last november!!!
she loves her "piggies"! when i try to leave the house without putting her pigtails in, she has a minor fit and then after i put them in, she grabs both of them as if she is counting them to make sure i have put 2 pigtails in. recently i have added a third on the top of her head to change it up and it has blown her mind!
3 piggies ("old piggy" and 2 "new piggies"), 2 monkeys, "hoots" the owl, "baby", "big pig", "penguino" the penguin, and recently added "froggy" join her in her crib every night for bed. she looks for all of them before we leave the room.